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Estuche para binoculares Minox - LIQUIDACIÓN

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Estuche de transporte de nailon Minox para binoculares compactos.

Proteja sus binoculares con un estuche de transporte original de Minox con presilla para cinturón. Fabricado en nailon para mayor durabilidad y con presilla para cinturón para sujetar de forma segura sus binoculares y evitar que se caigan.


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  • Dimensions?

    The pouch size is 4.5" Tall  x 2.5" Wide. The pouch tapers down so the 2.5" in at its narrowest point.

  • What are the dimensions of this pouch? Is it lined?

    Hello, thanks for reaching out. This original Minox pouch is lined. The dimensions are: 4.5x3.0x2.0  (HxWxD). Dimensions are measured at its widest point as the case has small tappered design.