Sí, has leído bien. Los mensajes escritos con nuestro bolígrafo mágico de tinta evanescente desaparecen en 2 horas o menos. Simplemente escribe como lo harías normalmente con cualquier bolígrafo. A medida que pasa el tiempo, la tinta desaparece lentamente como por arte de magia.
¿Tiene una tienda y desea dar una fecha límite real para una gran oferta? Utilice el bolígrafo para darle al portador 2 horas o menos para tomar una decisión o ¡la oferta se perderá!
Juega con tus amigos escribiendo mensajes que no resistirán el paso del tiempo. Úsalo para escribir contraseñas, de modo que, incluso si olvidas destruir tu notita, esta se desvanecerá en el aire. | ![]() |
¿Cómo podemos hacer esto? Todo es cuestión de química y temperatura. Cuanto más alta sea la temperatura, más rápido desaparecerá la tinta. Funciona en la mayoría de las superficies, pero asegúrese de probar primero en un área poco visible. Aumente la temperatura, escriba con tinta azul y no se ponga rojo si su oferta se agotó después de 2 horas.
when are you going to get more vanishing ink ,dissappearing ink pens
Hello! The disappearing ink pens are back in stock. Click here to order yours!
What color is the ink?
Thanks for reaching out. The ink of this disappearing ink pen is usually black but sometimes it can be blue.
Does it really work as advertised?
Thanks for reaching out. The vanishing ink pen works exactly like we list it. You write down your message then the ink disappears in 2 hours or less depending and cannot be retrieved.
Is there any way to retrieve the ink after it has disappeared
Thank you for your question. The ink from the disappearing ink pen cannot be retrieved after it has disappeared.
Hi, i am looking for blue and black vanishing pen. i need two pieces for each. 4 in total. Please let me know. Thanks
Hello. We currently only have blue ink pens. You can purchase them at this link: Buy vanishing ink pen
Will it start disappearing suspiciously straight after writing? Like losing color? And it will be completely gone in 2hours or does it start disappearing after 2 hours?
On average it will start disapparing after 2 hours. This timeline is affected by how warm the environment is. The warmer it is the faster the disappearing ink will start to vanish.
how many uses can you get out of it?
There is no information that specifically indicates how many uses. It really varies per user and application.