Tamaño ultra pequeño y peso súper ligero.
Grabación activada por línea
Grabación activada por sonido
Sello de fecha y hora
¡Graba hasta 288 horas!
Úselo con cualquier teléfono de una sola línea o para aplicaciones corporales.
Utilice la grabadora de voz para tomar notas, grabar memorandos en la oficina, mantener registros precisos de las revisiones y notificaciones de los empleados y de las reuniones. Todos los archivos se graban en formatos universales para que pueda reproducirlos fácilmente en su computadora sin ningún software especial.
Esta grabadora de sonido tiene un micrófono incorporado y varias opciones de modo de grabación. Seleccione una de nuestras opciones de kit para ampliar las capacidades de su grabadora:
Graba conversaciones desde más lejos y oculta la grabadora para una grabación de voz más discreta. ¡Agrega un micrófono estenopeico para mejorar el alcance de grabación hasta 30 pies!
Can I have record time and voice at a time my requirement is I should know the time and Voice recording, ie I should know the time when words are spoken not needed for spying but general purpose can you suggest suitable device
thanks for reaching out. This voice recorder does not support scheduled recordings as described in your inquiry. You can record continously or record when sound is present. At the time of this answer we don't have any voice recorder that can do schedule recording.
I need to know how do I record my children conversation without them know that I am recording it I am at work and I want to know how do I record their conservation any device and how do I set it up please advice
Hello. please check with your local and state laws for guidelines on legal recording options that may impact your application.
If you are looking to record conversations in a room and be discrete about it you can take a look at this small voice recorder.
I need a portable device that I can record whispers made by individuals who are harassing me on a daily basis no matter where I place it in my home. I need to have it time stamped and date. I want to give this to the police when I record. Is there anyway I can make a copy of the their conversation to me so when I go to court, I have a copy also? Thank you!
Thanks for reaching out. If you are looking to record whispers, this recorder can help you when used with the pinhole microphone. Just select that option from the recorder product page to get the bundle price. You can make a copy of the recordings by simply connecting the recorder to your computer, then give a copy to the authorities and keep a copy for yourself. When possible avoid giving your device as they may not be ablet to return it to you.
I need a device to record harassing phone calls to me on cellphone. Will this unit Aud 393 work for me? I had one years ago that had a separate ear plug and hook up to cell phone, but lost it.
Yes, you can use this but you will have to also get a separate adapter to use with your cellphone. This ear bud microphone when used with this recorder will get your recording those calls right away!