If you travel, work retail, or attend sporting events you know that waiting for handbag inspection can take serious time from your day. These high quality clear view handbags are not only fashionable, they are a time saver at any security checkpoint.
When traveling you can easily identify contents in your bag and when passing through security; you will be amazed at how much time you can save when your bag is transparent allowing security personnel to clearly see that you have no problematic contents with you.
If you work retail, likely you are required to submit your belongings to daily inspection when leaving the store. The truth is that many stores will allow you to speed through this daily routine when you use a clear view handbag. The transparent bag allows the store's security personnel to quickly glance at your bag and off you go. You can spend all that time saved by meeting friends after work for happy hour!
Imagine going to a game and missing that once in a lifetime play only because you were stuck at the checkpoint for way too long while the person checked your bag! Worse, now your friends will forever hold it against you!! No, you will not be that person. You know better and you carry one of our gorgeous transparent bags, because you know that the clear view will make that gate checkpoint almost non-existent for you. You will use that extra time to get a couple beers and some hotdogs. You rule!
Now let's be real. We don't always want to advertise everything in our bag, right? No worries, all of our clear view handbags come with a privacy pouch that zippers up. This way you can place those items that need a little less eyes on them right in there while still reaping the benefits of the clear bag.
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