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Tech Stuff - Simplified

On the Hunt for Bigfoot

On the Hunt for Bigfoot

2 min read

The search for this creature has led to the creation of the modern day Bigfoot hunters – individuals determined to find and document evidence of the existence of Bigfoot. With modern technology, the ability of these hunters to capture the creature on film or video has brought the hunt into the digital age.
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Make your House Safer for the New Year

Make your House Safer for the New Year

2 min read

If you are interested in video surveillance, technological advancements mean you can have small, compact audio-video recorders, either hidden or overt, depending on your needs. You might want a visible camera on your home's entrances to help deter potential intruders, or a hidden camera to ensure your nanny or babysitter is treating your child well.
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5 Spy Gifts for Christmas

5 Spy Gifts for Christmas

2 min read

The holiday season is just around the corner and Spy Site has the perfect spy toys for any young secret agent’s Christmas list. Boys and girls will love playing spy, but they’re going to need a few accessories to get started. Here are a few essentials for any aspiring spy on Santa’s nice list: 
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Surveillance Equipment for Hunting

Surveillance Equipment for Hunting

2 min read

In hunting, sound is almost as important as sight. The rustling of leaves as you walk can easily scare animals – but the sounds of their movement can tip you off to their location, making it easier to track down your targets. And just like how hunters rely on binoculars and powered scopes on rifles to enhance their vision, there’s a variety of hunting listening devices available to enhance hearing.
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Renting Spy Equipment

Renting Spy Equipment

2 min read

Spy Site understands that for many consumers, purchasing spy gear equipment means committing to spending hundreds of dollars on a product they may only use once or twice. For consumers who need a piece of surveillance equipment for temporary use, we now offer our customers the ability to rent spy equipment, rather than commit to a full purchase.
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Gifts for Small Secret Agents – Kids Spy Gear

Gifts for Small Secret Agents – Kids Spy Gear

2 min read

Unlike many “spy toys” found at big-box toy stores, Spy Site’s kids spy gear uses similar technology to real spy gear. One example is our Night Goggles – which use bright LED lights and blue-tinted lenses to enhance night vision; allowing them to explore after the sun goes down and conduct super-secret nighttime missions in the house or backyard!
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Movie Spy Gadgets – Then and Now

Movie Spy Gadgets – Then and Now

2 min read

Every movie secret agent and spy needs a set of cool spy gadgets – from James Bond to Jason Bourne, tools and high-tech gadgets are an integral part of any great spy movie. Some of the best spy movie gadgets were introduced and seen in the cinema before technology got around to catching up and made these products a reality.
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Electronic Lockpicks – For When Time is Critical

Electronic Lockpicks – For When Time is Critical

2 min read

Electronic lock picking tools rely on thin pieces of metal, much like manual tools, that are inserted into the lock and used to push the pins into position to unlock the door. With a traditional lock smith tool kit, the user must carefully maneuver his lock picking tool to push each pin within the lock cylinder, listening for the pins to click as they unlock.
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Digital Parenting and Child Safety

Digital Parenting and Child Safety

4 min read

We’re in a world where adults fall prey to hundreds of different internet scams every day; Identity thieves are trying to gain access to your bank account, con artists are looking for a quick score, and sick individuals are looking to prey on the innocent, how can a parent expect a child to navigate the web ALONE in safety? While parents may think that their child is in their room playing online video games with their friends or surfing the net gathering information for a class project, a predator could be getting ready to strike.
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4 Advantages of Hiring a Private Investigator

4 Advantages of Hiring a Private Investigator

2 min read

Many consumers decide to purchase surveillance spy equipmentfor their home, car or office in order to gain information about suspicious activity. However, hiring a private investigator is an often overlooked option for gaining information regarding illicit or undesired activities. Why should you consider hiring a private investigator?
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NiteMax Ultra – Professional Surveillance Night Vision Camera

NiteMax Ultra – Professional Surveillance Night Vision Camera

2 min read

For many investigative operations; night’s darkness provides an ideal cover, making it easier to conceal equipment. Many hidden cameras don’t have the technology to adapt to low lighting conditions, making it hard to gather needed evidence of infidelity and inappropriate behavior.
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Protecting Yourself This Summer

Protecting Yourself This Summer

2 min read

One option is purchasing hidden cameras for your home to monitor your home 24/7, so that even when you’re not there you can be assured of your home and family’s safety. These small, hard to detect devices...
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